Thursday, November 27, 2008

All done

We ate. It was good. I said we should do this every year and my husband and son said, "Yeah!" I was pleasantly surprised the buffet had everything we like and everything traditional: candied yams, salad, green beans, rolls, mashed potatoes, turkey and stuffing. I didn't overfill my plate, I ate what I took, and didn't make a glutton of myself. Woohoo! The men just left to go watch football at Gary's. And I have the place to myself now. I plan to warm-up, stretch, dance, and do a cool down to expend these extra turkey calories.

I discovered the best tip for making a cinnamon bun the other day. I found out if you twist to form one single circle all the way around, then insert your hairstick, then twist your hair around to finish the bun, securing the very ends with a small bobby pin, it holds way more efficiently than making the entire bun and inserting the stick last which is what I always did, it didn't work well, so I never fixed my hair that way. I'm wearing my new hairstick bun style today using this method and it's been completely secure. Woohoo!

It's been cloudy and rainy and sunny today, all three. The lake is beautiful and quiet. I'd say it's mood is bright, yet calm, smooth, and slate grey. There aren't many people in the park today.

Hello to Mina all the way in Germany. My husband has been to Germany but I haven't. He went a long time ago for work.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

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