Saturday, January 12, 2008


We went out for dinner and I had a shrimp linguini dish with cream sauce, scallions and lemon, a side of garlic bread, and salad with bleu cheese dressing. It was a tasty treat. We brought chocolate cake home because we were too full to eat it at the restaurant.

My scimitar slipped off my head today during practice at home, but I was on the floor so it didn't fall far. I don't have any broken hair on top of my head from the balancing. They're already short (for a reason which will remain unnamed) and I don't need them any shorter. Since it's going well so far without a head covering I tried putting some rubber cement on the very edge to see if it'll stay on my head a little better. I'll test it out tomorrow. I definitely can't balance it on my chin or forehead. It hurts because it's too heavy. I can get down to my knees and up, no problemo, now. I can do an almost decent layback on my knees too. I just need so much more strength and endurance to do what I want to do.

I put together my own ballet work-out for home too. Here it is:

Plié (bent)
Tendu (to stretch)
Frappe (to strike)
Fondue (to melt)
Petit battement (small kicking movement)
Grand battement
Développé retiré
Rond de jambe


Head with feet going forward
Head opposite feet backing away

Make up a count of two eights

Now squeeze the orange dry. Beethoven made a symphony out of two notes.

I cleared the counter and I can swing my leg up and use it as a barre. Necessity is the mother of invention. You use what you've got, eh. And I found a nifty ballet dictionary with short Quicktime movies for various movements:

I don't know if Beethoven really wrote a symphony with only two notes. I'd sure like to know whether it's true or not. But squeezing the orange dry means to make the movement all it can be. Do it with all your might.

Take a figure eight hip movement in Middle Eastern dance for example. You can do them forward, you can do them in reverse, change the direction you're facing as you do them, do some on your toes, flat footed, with knees very bent, or on your knees on the floor, do 'em small or do 'em big, fast or slow, layered with a shimmy, layered with a shimmy and add a pop. If you put your mind to it you can do a lot with a little old figure eight. Same concept can be applied to a lot of dance moves.