
Photo taken 8/22 in Oklahoma, near Texas
Am looking through my August photos and thought I'd upload this one. As we drove south toward New Mexico we came across so many old farm buildings and grain elevators. Seemed we just passed one and there would be another on the horizon.
On Friday we saw two accidents within moments after each occurred. The first was a semi-truck that took an exit curve too fast. It was on its side having fallen all the way over. Too much momentum, too much speed. An inexperienced driver I bet. You know those guys sit way high up and can see far down the road. I'm sure it felt like a long way down till he hit that ground. I think the driver was probably okay as there was no fire and he wasn't hit by anyone else.
Same day, two youths on motorcycles passed us up. They were driving too fast, but having a thrill I'm sure. Their shirts were flying up above their backs and they were staggered as motorcyclists should be, but they were tailgating. They were wearing no helmets as they are not required by law here as they are in California. We exited to a rest stop. Got back on the road and it wasn't one mile down the way our eyes met with a sobering sight. The first motorcyclist was in the grassy median on his knees, just looking straight into the distance. We couldn't see the downed motorcyclist but we believe the young man was lying on the ground at the knees of his friend. I have no way of knowing how bad his injuries were.
We could hear the ambulances coming.
In high school my best friend's older brother, Don, was in a motorcycle accident. Within a week a second guy in our high school was in a motorcycle wreck too; Colette's older brother, Lincoln. Everyone called him Link. Link didn't wear a helmet, but Don did. Don recovered completely. Link finally recovered but he was never the same. It was as if part of his personality was lost. He got along fine but he was never the same. Bones can mend but the brain cannot. Brains cannot be bumped around too much. Helmets do save lives.
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