Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Verrrry Large Array

This is the road to The Very Large Array, aka VLA, in New Mexico. Today was cloudy. We got some rain too.

They're big. The biggest you'll ever see. Big as a baseball diamond it said in the video. There are 27 in all and they move them, rearrange them, on rails.

They move in unison. All 27 move at the same time. It's neat! We thought they were moving when were approaching but weren't positive. They're on a wide open plain.

I was thrilled there was a walking trail and you can walk right up to one of them.

And on the way home a group of pronghorn antelope. I was happy. I also came close to a spectacular bird of prey but had the wrong lens on the camera and he flew away quickly. Then I realized I had my camera on standard format all day. I had forgotten to change all the settings from July 5th.

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