Friday, February 02, 2007

New modem goin' in

Today will be either very good or very bad. It's a long, nightmarish story (our satellite connection doesn't stay online and we really don't know why) but we finally received our new, improved modem yesterday. It was delivered on the 18th to the BOAT MARINA. Duh. And no one down there bothered to bring it up to the office. We have no idea why the Fed Ex man delivered it down there nor why no one down there ever tried to find where it belongs. They just signed and kept a box that wasn't for them. The tracking number from Hughes (the company that used to be Direcway) had a digit missing so we were never able to track the package. My husband, he's the man! He found out who signed for the package, got in the truck, and tracked that thing down. He was gone an hour. I'm saying nothing about the clerical help at One supervisor helped us, she rocked, but my husband placed, I exaggerate not, a dozen or more calls before he insisted on speaking with a supervisor. He read all the instructions yesterday and is installing the modem today. I'll either be back...or I won't.

I hope it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh please, please work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!