Saturday, February 03, 2007

Finished book

Last night I finished reading The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks. Good ending, a little unexpected, but I have to say the rest of the book was too sappy and predictable for me.

Took a few more roadrunner pics and learned to take them in RAW format and how to open them and make minor adjustments. Am struggling with learning to do depth of field. It includes some math you know. I only took algebra about six times in college until I passed. I kid you not. If nothing else, I have determination.

We're working this afternoon and Blogger is have a scheduled outage at 11:00PST so I have to write quick. I'm feelin' a lot of love today. I feel good. On my 'puter (with new modem!) I went to K-earth 101 in San Diego, a station I used to listen to now and them. Got it streaming now. Crystal Blue Persuasion's on now.

I went to sleep last night thinking about universal truths. Jules wrote me the other day and, man, she rocked my world. She made something about being saved, so clear to me. See, most people have a specific time when they know they were saved. It can be a specific date or like a calendar year, say in 1975 or 2004 or whatever. Me, I got nuthin'. I don't have a date, a time, a month, a season, or even a year when it happened. So what do I do about this, I've been wondering.

Shoot, I have to get ready to go and post this before the outage too. I haven't combed my hair or anything. Will finish later. Jules is letting me post part of her email too. It's short. Short and sweet!

Have a splendid Saturday day, all day.

Oh and also, I renamed my 'Religion' labels to 'DyNaMiC Christianity.' Good?