Oh dear. I returned a body tight that was defective. I didn't know I picked priority shipment that is rather expensive. I ended up paying $16.95 to return a $13.00 item. Yeesh. The post office girl told me the price after I filled everything out and I should have told her I needed to change it, but I didn't. My husband hasn't noticed my costly stupidity so I haven't mentioned it.
A warning light came on in the truck Friday night, so he has to take it in to Ford tomorrow. We don't want to get on the road pulling the trailer with any warning lights on on the dash. I hope they don't have to order parts. I hope it'll be a minor fix.
I finally found little beads. Really little beads. At Caravan Beads I found Miyuki size 15. I want to try to make one of my patterns smaller, and smaller beads might do the trick. They have a pretty good selection too! Delicas are used for beadweaving because of their uniformity, but smallest Delicas only come in size 11. I asked around and two people said the Miyuki seed beads are uniform enough to use with brickstitch.
If my husband is home early enough I'm getting a trim tomorrow. I have to do it this week for sure because we're leaving Saturday. I had planned to do it on the Spring Equinox but it is not to be.