Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Camel Dance parable

Many years ago I found this in a children's picture book. Tonight I searched for it online and found it, so now it can live at my blog and I will read it whenever I want. My husband would say no, but I think it's so me.

The Camel had her heart set on becoming a ballet dancer. "To make every movement a thing of grace and beauty," said the Camel. "That is my one and only desire."

Again and again she practiced her pirouettes, her relevés, and her arabesques. She repeated the five basic positions a hundred times each day. She worked for long months under the hot desert sun. Her feet were blistered, and her body ached with fatigue, but not once did she think of stopping.

At last the Camel said, "Now I am a dancer." She announced a recital and danced before an invited group of camel friends and critics. When her dance was over, she made a deep bow.

There was no applause.

"I must tell you frankly," said a member of the audience, "as a critic and a spokesman for this group, that you are lumpy and humpy. You are baggy and bumpy. You are, like the rest of us, simply a camel. You are NOT and never will be a ballet dancer."

Chuckling and laughing, the crowd moved away across the sand.

"How very wrong they are," said the Camel. "I have worked hard. There can be no doubt that I am a splendid dancer. I will dance and dance just for myself."

That is just what she did. It gave her many years of pleasure.

The moral of the story is satisfaction will come to those who please themselves.

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