Saturday, March 24, 2007

She with grey hair

Today we went out in the desert to take pictures of me with the ocotillo. We didn't have to go far. I wanted a 2007 hair photo too, but alas, I wore a dark brown vest and my hair blended in with it so the hair didn't make much of a showing. It showed up fine in the bathroom mirror but it blended in from a distance outside. However, the cleavage showed up more than expected and those who visited earlier may notice I had second thoughts and took that photo down. Yes, I uploaded it then later when I looked at it I was struck by a case of indecision. Not that I'm against cleavage mind you. No, I'm very much a proponent of cleavage, but this was just a little too much for today. Finally I decided to go with the jewelry rule. If you feel like it might be a little too much jewelry, then take it off. If you feel the girls might be a little too exposed, then probably they are. My husband likes the cleavage though.

We went to a campfire talk tonight that was absolutely the worst we've ever seen. The ranger was a nice gal but she went through an exercise of having the audience guess the official state symbols such as the official state grass, official state dance, official state rock, official state mineral, official state marine mammal, official state marine fish, official state insect, official state prehistoric artifact (I kid you not). We've been to a lot of campfire talks and I'm being straight up, this one at Borrego Springs State Park was the worst. And we stayed for the whole thing. I didn't think it could get any worse so I stayed in my seat expecting improvement. After 40 minutes of 'name the state poet laureate' she did a slideshow. Need I say more.

Well I don't know where the week went. We're leaving tomorrow and I've enjoyed it here so much. Would have liked to see a bighorn sheep, but you have to be pretty lucky for one of those, huh.