I used my new
Honey Moisturizing Shampoo,
Honey Moisturizing Conditioner, and
Africa Spa Hair and Body Honey Mud yesterday.
The Hair and Body Honey Mud did make my hair smell good. At first I wasn't sure because I'm fragrance challenged. I thought to myself, does it smell good or doesn't it? My little boy likes the fragrance. My husband stuck his nose in my hair (I told him he had to), said yeah it smells good, but I thought I sensed a note of insincerity so he's IN the DOG HOUSE. Ruff.
I'm on day two and it still smells good! How do they get it to keep the fragrance for so long? I've used perfumes that didn't last this long. I didn't follow the instructions though. I read them after I applied it and saw it said 'apply to wet hair.' I applied to dry hair. Well I'm none the worse for it I guess. I would think it will last longer if I applied to wet hair though because it'll glide onto the hair more easily. It was $24.00 for 11.9 ounces which annoys me. I'm going to buy a couple more because chances are I won't find it again. Directions said leave it on for 15 minutes but I was busy and left it on for half an hour. It rinsed out easily.
The Honey Moisturizing Shampoo and Conditioner were just samples but my hair is softer and best of all, I noticed my hair is a bit straighter and I have fewer crazy hairs at the bottom of my bun near my neck. I didn't have those when I was younger - it's my silver. I've tried everything to smooth those darn hairs at my neck: oils, shea butter, aloe vera, silicone products. All helped to varying degrees but none to my satisfaction. (Update: Bah. Just realized both the shampoo and conditioner contain dimethecone. I haven't used cones for months.)
I've stopped blowdrying my hair, a huge alteration in my hair care regime, and have been less than thrilled with how my hair has been pokier. Poke-ee-er: as in it sticks out more, lays less smoothly and quietly, gives me a halo and looks unkempt to me. This shampoo seems to have really helped. Of course, I can't be positive whether it was the shampoo, conditioner, or deep conditioner, but I'll just roll with it and see how it goes.
I've been using Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose Hair and Scalp Conditioner and it's almost gone. It's been good. The only thing I don't like about it is that it's in a tiny 4 ounce bottle and it doesn't readily mix with water. I always dilute my shampoo and conditioner, and I have to shake the dickens out of this conditioner to get it to mix with water. Still, occasionally I can see bits of unmixed conditioner on the floor of the shower on its way down the drain. This annoys me greatly since I pay good money for good conditioner.
I've been using Suave shampoo and am practically out and I really wanted something, sigh, better. What is better? I don't know. I'm looking for that magic elixir. I want to have pretty hair and I want to take care of it so I don't have to trim 1/3 of my total growth every 1.5 years. I'm glad I got the free samples of the honey shampoo and condish because I think, I hope, the honey shampoo will be better for my hair.