Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico

The Big Room self-guided tour. Takes about 1 1/2 hours to go through. Awesome. Seven hundred and fifty feet below the surface of the Earth. We went twice in two days. Carlsbad is the biggest cave in the Western Hemisphere. The longest is Mammoth Cave in Kentucky.
Carlsad Cavern is no longer a living cave though. Kartchner Caverns in Arizona is, but is small by comparison.
At Carlsbad a parking lot was built directly over the caverns because when it was built years ago no one had any idea what the environmental impact would be. It stopped the seepage of water into the ground, into the cave. Killed the cave. I believe I heard there are plans to remove the old parking lot. No cars actually parking there now. Everyone now parks in a new lot that has been constructed away from the caverns.
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