Saturday, December 08, 2007


We put out bags till about noon. I mostly straightened candle wicks and pushed candles into the sand in each bag so that the candle lighters just have to bend down and light the candles without fussing with the candle itself. Now we're home in our trailie eating Coney dogs from Sonic Burger. Yum!

All are concerned about the winds. It's very windy right now. It wasn't like this last year. I don't know if we're going to be able to light the candles! All the bags have been set out but the wind is blowing so much that the bags are bent over. I think when we light them they'll either blow right out or burn up the bags. Either way, is not good.

...I just check the weather report. We've got winds of 30mph and gusts up to 45mph. Oh dear. It's going to be so sad it there are no luminarias. The luminarias add all the ambiance to the beach walk and the boat show. And it's too big an event to call off now.

The lake is pea green and has white caps. Everyone is worried!

I took ibuprofen for my lower back. I need to make chocolate mice or take a nap. Which shall I do? Lighting is scheduled for 3:00pm. I'm scheduled to help The Friends volunteers at 5:30 at their Luminaria site. Aside from the bad weather, shin splints and an achy back, I feel happy! I think our ranger is stressed out though.