Sunday, November 07, 2010

Sunday night

I trimmed my hair myself 3/4 inch last night. Now I'm at 47 3/4 inches. It looks much nicer and the comb goes through the ends smoothly again. It's taking long to get to 50 inches. I first hit 47" in April of 2010. Trimmed in May; ends were scraggly. Trimmed again in July; ends accidentally got pulled into a fan, twice, and got scraggly again. Well, the trailer is narrow and it never occurred to me my hair would go in the fan. After two times, I was very careful! I will call 2010 the year of growing yet standing still. I want to do an oiling soon with my cap that I've only used once.

The newspaper man took a photo of my class last week. He sent it to me. I'm in the pink and black and those are my awesome students. I pray for them each week. I look forward to seeing them and hearing about their accomplishments and even aches and injuries! I wish he'd taken more photos. He came and left so fast. I'm collecting money to place an order for my class for Zumba tops next week! I hope it might give me some extra advertising when people wear them and get asked where they got them. I hope.

I only had four people in my Saturday class. That's the smallest I've ever had. But it was the first time in the new location too. I suspect with the holiday season approaching people may be busy on Saturdays. I will still go though because I need to do my whole routine three times a week for sure. Whether I have a teensy class or a large class I do my best to them happy they came and give them a great and thorough work out. The girl in the white shirt and shorts is pregnant so we will be having our first Zumba baby next year!

1 comment:

SchnauzerMom said...

In January everyone will want to take your class to work off all the goodies that they ate during the holidays.