Thursday, May 25, 2006

Service and repairs

Our truck is our bread and butter and we have to take good care of her so she's going in for an oil change and stuff tomorrow. We need new rims for the trailer so I told my husband let's replace all four even though only one is busted. I don't want to look like Ma and Pa Kettle driving down the road ya know, with one rim different from the others.

First mosquito bite of the year! It's on my left ring finger. I hate mosquitoes! Death to mosquitoes. Tonight we're in lower elevation so it's hot and humid. Utah is might purty. The state highway 89 is a scenic byway, which you can tell because there are dots next to it on the map, and it's certainly scenic. We saw cows in the pastures, drove through canyons and valleys with meandering streams, saw beautiful horses and one rolling around in the green, green grass. We saw foals with their mammas. Utah is a beautiful state.

My husband asked me if I took a pretty pill this morning. I had quickly washed just the front of my hair last night then braided it and went to bed. It was mostly dry before I went to bed. And when I woke in the morning, wonder of wonders, it actually looked nice. Highly unusual for day six post wash, but crazier things have happened I suppose.

Think I'll do an experimental herbal wash with powdered neem and yogurt on Saturday.

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