Sunday, December 12, 2010

We made the best chocolate chip cookies ever. Usually mine are so flat. Always flat. This time we left the dough in the fridge for two days because I didn't feel like baking them and it seemed to make them thicker and better. I've always admired people who have thick chocolate chip cookies.

Husband fell on the concrete last night. He went allll the way down. It was dark and son left the furniture mover on the ground. We were walking to the truck. Husband was fine though. Not even a bruise. I don't know many 69 year olds that can do that. He knows how to fall. I saw him in slow motion and I knew sure as I was standing there that he was calculating what was the best position to hit the concrete. Man, he's good. I wanna be just like him.

Have a new bellydance cooldown for Zumba. It's not even a dance. It's just static stretching - hamstrings, calves, gluts, quads, etc. Nice for a change. I abandoned the "Whatcha Say" cooldown because it was too fast and there was one move that wasn't in good time with the music. If I'm having trouble getting it then the class will. Have one minute of the salsaton memorized.

We filled bags and lit them for the Luminaria on Saturday. We enjoyed it. There was lots of help this year and we spent literally only 15 minutes lighting luminarias. That's a first. And the weather was the mildest of all the years we've lived here and done Luminaria. I didn't even need a coat. In past years I've had to wear my ski outfit (which I've never gone skiing in) and my winter coat over it.

I have a dream for next year. I'm collecting music and I want to put together a one hour Zumba class with Christian Latin/International music. I'm not going to tell anyone of it until I'm ready. So far I've collected 35 minutes of danceable Christian music. Found two choreography routines I like. I didn't know there was so much Latin gospel music out there. I'm gonna put together an hour of dance, do a demo, see if people come. If they do, okay. If they don't, okay. Let's see. Think I'll shoot for June. It'll be a challenge to learn two new dances per month for my current class and also learn a whole new set of different routines for a separate hour. I'm going to the Zumba Toning workshop in February.

We had two young men in church ordained this morning. It was, how do I say? Intoxicating. Yeah, it was intoxicating see them answering a calling. I'm so happy for Laura. Her son is one of them. I like him very much. Why is it so many men who go into ministry are so darn likable.


SchnauzerMom said...

I'm glad that your husband wasn't injured in the fall. I bet the luminaries look beautiful.

April said...

Your husband is tough like mine is! Mike fell off some scaffolding this past summer and could have easily been seriously injured (fell onto concrete) since it was about 15 feet up, but just got up and walked away... kind of shaken, but that was it. Yes, men are tougher! :)

Liliana said...

SchnauzerMum, I didn't get to actually see the luminarias. I stayed home that night. lol!

April, that's incredible your husband walked away unscathed. Wow and wow!