Sunday, November 02, 2014

We're getting rain tonight and it's fantastic.  Some thunder.  And now lightning.  I love thunder and lightning. 

I sat and talked with my pastor for a few minutes after church this morning and he was really talkative and he answered my two questions about prayer.  I think he may have enjoyed talking with me a bit too.  I hope so.  I didn't feel at all like I was bothering him.  I like him and his wife, Karen, very much. 

Went shopping last week-end and got a new knee length sweater, beige, from Old Navy.  Bought a sweater that'll go nice with leggings or jeans, and two cotton, long sleeved, tops.  I got two new pairs of high top shoes for Zumba.  One pair is red and pink and they're my favorite now.

Which reminds me.  I haven't been tithing.  I've felt so guilty for stopping.  It bothers my husband a little (my tithing) and I want him to be happy and I'm worried that if I tithe, he'll go get a job.  I don't feel good about it.  I need to do something about it because the devil likes you to compromise.  That's how he works.   I'm compromising.  I realized it during sermon this morn.

My friends and I are meeting for prayer on Fridays from 5-6pm.  It's been wonderful and fruitful.  We have had three other women come to pray with us.  I think at our next meeting we'll focus on prayer for pastors and churches.  We covered one whole wall at my friend's house with paper, added a border, gonna add a title this week, and we plan to write prayer requests on it and answers to prayer so we'll have a record of our prayers.  The title I chose for the wall comes from Exodus 3:5.  It's " are standing on holy ground."  It's not that the ground you're on is actually holy in and of itself, but it's the presence of God that makes it holy.  It was so for Moses as he stood in the presence of God in the burning bush and it's so when we're in Mayela's house praying.

I have a little headache.  But I feel happy too. 

Tomorrow is a work day.

1 comment:

Jules said...

Lil, I remember when this came up in another conversation. I feel that if your husband is not a believer and doesn't like tithing, but you're earning income, then you can simply just tithe on your income. If he gives you an allowance or sets an amount to cover groceries or clothing etc, then tithe on that if you desire. Or perhaps you have your heart set on a particular item, and you buy it on sale or settle on a cheaper item, you could tithe the difference. I don't think you should feel that you need to tithe on income that he receives. Just my humble opinion.