Sunday, September 20, 2015

I'm trying to think of two sources to use to write a paper about presuppositions in the media.  I was thinking so hard and now here I am.  I could start on my paper if I could just think of what to write about.

My class is great.  I'm loving it.  Today I got my book by D.A. Carson called For the Love of God.  It's a devotional to guide you through reading the whole Bible - the OT once, and the NT and Psalms twice in one year.  I'm on day three.  Only have 363 days to go.  It's based on a system invented by a Scotsman who was born in 1813 whose name was M'Cheyne, pronounced "McShane."  You read one chapter from four different books every day.  If that's too much, you can read two per day and be done in two years.  I'm hoping my sis might do it with me.  I might tell my Bible class about it this Friday.  Maybe I'll present it as a challenge and see what anybody does.  There's a daily devo with it.  The devo is one page long and quite enlightening.  What I like about it is that it's very focused on the Bible, and on keeping the main story line in focus.  That story line would be the history of redemption.  The work Jesus did on the cross for us.  It's uplifting without being all about what God can do for me today.  It's online for free.  I bought the book because I can keep track of where I am better in a book than I can on a 350 page .pdf online. or

Church was fantastic this morn.  Pastor's grandchildren from California were here and they all play instruments.  Three of them play the fiddle.  They sang "That Long Black Train" and one called "There's a Stirring."  I enjoyed it tremendously.  It was so much better than the usual, dry, repetitive,  praise and worship.

I plan to restart the Bible study we were doing together last year.  I will be ready for one on Friday.  The topic I'm doing will be based on an article by Albert Mohler called "A Call for Theological Triage and Christian Maturity."  I hope it's well received on Friday.

My friend is on a hunting trip so I've led Sunday School with the teens by myself last week and this.  I thought they'd like to learn a song, especially since one of them sings in the choir, but they don't seem to be into it.  I don't know why.  Makes me what to pinch their little heads off!  Teenagers!  But I give them credit to listening well when I teach.  They have genuine interest.  We went over Joshua 3 this morning.  If they're not interested, then they fake it very well.  One young man had his phone out and I jumped up and sat by him and said, "What you lookin' at."  Bless his heart, his was looking at the Scripture we were doing.

Afterward, at home, I look at my notes, think about what I said, and always think I could have done a better job.  I need a do over and I could do so much better, I think to myself.

Work is good.  I hurt my back two weeks ago and it's all better now.

I JUST HAVE TO THINK OF A TOPIC FOR MY PRESUPPOSITION PAPER!  Oh nooooooooo!  I can't think of one!  Aaaaaugh!

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