Saturday, October 27, 2012

At work Friday

On Friday I overheard someone in a small group curse and it wasn't funny so I walked out of the main area and into my office and sat down to work at my computer to work.  I share my office with the boss, or should I say the boss shares his office with me.  He's the department manager.  Heh.

Then I heard someone whisper, She's a Christian.  Another person said, I don't care.

A few minutes later my boss came in and sat down.  He rolled his chair toward me and smiled and said he hoped they weren't making me uncomfortable out there.  I told, him not at all.  And it's true.  It doesn't make me uncomfortable.  I've heard it all.  Used to talk like a sailor myself. 

I wish I'd said more.  I wish I'd feigned innocence and said "Why do you say that?"  Might have been interesting to hear the answer!  But I'm not quick thinking on my feet.  Honestly, it doesn't matter what I think anyhow.

But if anyone uses the same of my savior, the saver of my life, as a curse, I'll go spiritual and reply with a joyful and loud exclamation... Amen, Praise the Lord, or Hallelujah!  Because the name Jesus Christ isn't a curse.  It's the sweetest name to my ears.

I just got my three month review a week ago and they're keeping me, so next time I need to say, Amen, Praise the Lord, or Hallelujah! both hands will go up too.   Although being a good employee comes first.  That's really one of the best ways to witness.

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