Monday, February 26, 2007

The Man from Snowy River

I have a bladder infection. Can't see the doc until tomorrow at 9:00am. Thank heaven for that AZO over the counter medicine. The discomfort is not so bad. I can wait till tomorrow in relative (not perfect) comfort.

So since I wasn't feeling too hot, after my husband went to the store and bought me the AZO yesterday I decided I wanted to lie in bed and watch tv. Well, we don't have a tv so the closest we have is watching the computer. It works great though! My son set up the machine and popped in the Aussie film The Man from Snowy River for me. It's a fantastic movie. It contains a couple bits of profanity but my son didn't care to watch it so it was just me, myself, and I. The braided bun on the aunt is fabulous. I love it. I want one! (Yeah, in my dreams.) And the horses running scenes are all magnificent. My husband sat with me and watched that part. There's a love story too and I like that a lot. Young love. Impetuous love. It's one of the best movies ever made. And those dusters all the cowboys wear too. Yes!